Tuesday, October 27, 2020

An Open Letter to my 6th Grade Son, during the 2020 Pandemic

 An Open Letter to my 6th grade son, during the 2020 Pandemic:

Dear 11-year-old-son,

First and foremost, I want you to know that there is always a specific challenge in U.S., or even World History, that directly affects youth.  In my time, it was 9/11.  In your time, it is the Covid Pandemic. 

There’s a few things I am grieving this year, as your mother.  

First and foremost, your ability to see the world.  You’re at such an influential age, and I’m struggling with the idea that during this important time, you’re stuck at home, and not experiencing the world as we know it. I just want you to to know, there is SO MUCH the world has to offer you.  In the contiguous United States, and also in so many other parts.  We’ve exposed you to Florida, and NYC, and the wider part of New England.  But we wanted you to know more, and learn it for yourself.  

And then there are the regular childhood things.  I am so sad that basketball won’t happen for you this year.  You loved playing last year, and this would have been your final year as an “elementary school” child.  You would have earned the trophy and the sweatshirt.  So sorry you had to miss that.

And for the past few years, we’ve been looking forward to your 4-day field trip to Nature’s classroom in Maine.  This is where you would learn team building skills, and connection with nature and your peers.  So sorry you had to miss that.  

There are other things that naturally come along with 6th grade- independent learning, school dances, finally caring about what clothing you wear and how you look at school.  So sorry you had to miss that.  

And 6th grade graduation? Unknown. But in advance, so sorry you had to miss that.  

I’m so sorry you had to miss these important parts of childhood, at such a tender and influential age.  And I also know, I am much more heartbroken about it than you are.  

When you’re a child, you just kind of take life as it comes. This is your life.  I’ve learned, somewhat slowly-- I’m grieving what could have been your experience much more than you are.  

My 6th grade son- what a wonderful time in history.  Celebrate your youth- it’ll be a large part of your story, some day!  It certainly wasn’t what I had planned for- but your life is also not a story that was written by me! It’s your own story to share!