Monday, January 23, 2017

To my middle-class, white, American son- If nothing else, I want you to be kind.

To my middle class, white, American son, on this inauguration day:  If nothing else, I want you to be a kind, respectful, loving human being.

 The 2016—2017 election has brought profound controversy in our society and country to so many social issues that you should question and think critically about.  The idea of human peace, the idea of acceptance, the idea of economic growth within our country.  Who to consider a part of us, and who to deny the idea of united acceptance and overall wealth and prosperity. 

My dear cherished little boy,  if you do nothing else with your life, I want you to be kind.  

I want you to consider all of these ideas that this 2016 election has  brought on, and develop your own opinion and perspective.  And with all of those things, I could care less about anything you become, as long as you are an open minded, accepting, humble and generally kind  human being. 

I have no worth or investment in organized sports, or athleticism.  I could care less if you become an acclaimed musician, or a high academic achiever.   If you can write a great essay in your distant future, I’m proud of you.  If you can make the winning assist in a basketball game, I am proud of you.  If you can play a well-known tune on the piano, if you can hit a home-run, if you can make it to the top ranking of boy scouts, I am proud of you.  Become an acclaimed scientist, or a successful lawyer, or a rocket engineer, and I am proud of you.  I am proud you for being who you are, no matter what.

 If your life path leads to being a garbage pick-up man, you have my support.  If you decide to become an IV league college scholar, you have my support.  If you decide to work as an adult part-time at a grocery store, or become a full-time dad, or decide that being a teacher, or a truck driver, or a factory worker, or whatever you will decide in your lifetime, you will have my whole hearted, undivided support and value. 

Even if you become a billionaire, or the most well-known U.S. business man there every was- even if you win the Nobel Peace Prize, or become the U.S. President, I am proud of you.  But just as proud of you as I would be proud, anyway, because I'm your mom. 
After all, you are my beautiful, part-self created son. I will nurture you, I will build you up, I will love you no matter your struggles, your challenges, your faults and your strengths.  I am your mother, without reservation, and with an unconditional positive regard. 

There’s some things in life that I want to help you to know.  And if you become nothing more than an adult who holds these values, then I feel like I’ve done my job as a parent.

#1- I want you to be open-minded. I want you to be able to relate to every walk of life that you are surrounded by.  The privileged, the poor, the nasty and the nice. I want you to hold the ability to relate and identify with each individual person.  To value different opinions and perspectives, and love each and every culture that you are exposed to.  I want you to set aside your own beliefs, and life choices, and accept others with an open heart.

I want to you value human kind, as a higher imprtance compared to material items, to life choices, to beleifs and values.  Human existence and functioning is more important than anything in life. 

#2- I want you to be accepting.  I want you to admire the strength and purpose of others, and to ignore the comparisons to your own.  There are many people who you will meet in your lifetime who have more than you, and even probably more who have less.  And when I talk about the “haves” I don’t mean the superficial things.  I mean the personalities that understand ideas in life differently, the people who have natural talents, the who have a and foundation of privilege, and also the people who are down on their luck.  There's a whole lot of people in this word who just aren't as god damn fortunate as you, and they aren't people to look down upon.  Instead, they are people to relate to, and empathize with, and build up, just as I've built you up. 

I want you to be able to sit, in comfort, in a crowded, diverse room at the same level of those people, and not feel one lick of greater worth, than "them".

 “Those other people” are not separate or divided from you, instead, they are part of your team.  Your experience of knowing them is what will helps to make you who you are. 

It's my hope that you never look down- on anyone, or anything.  Only look up.  Live your life out of hope, and never fear.  Believe that the best will come to you, only because if you believe in the worst, you will waste your young life away on worry instead of happiness. 

#3- I want you to be humble.  No one person is greater than the other.  You are not above or below anyone else.  You may have have a different background, a different set of skills, and have made different life choices- but it certainly doesn’t make you better or less than any human being.  When you believe you are more or less deserving than the person next to you, I will challenge that belief with my entire heart and sole. 

#4- And last and most important- I want you to be kind. 

I want you to encompass the full understanding that every human being has an internal struggle, just as you do.  You most likely will not have the time to learn or understand that internal mind of others, and that’s okay. But love them anyway.  In moments  of outrage, in moments of fear, in moments or insecurity and self-doubt--- if everything else fails, be kind. 

I promise you, the skill of kindness alone will carry you through your life in the best of ways. It holds more importance than the American dream, than the amount of money in your pocket, than the volume or quality of the possessions you own or the network of people who you're associated with.  The mere value of kindness will never doubt you, it will never betray you, and in its return , it will only bring you more joy, and compassion, and empathy.  And you will be so much stronger because of it. 

To my privileged, middle-class, white American son, I will love anything you become, as long as you are an accepting, open-minded, humble and kind person.   And there’s no doubt in my mind, that with some hard work, deep introspection, great examples, and common exposure, that all  of those things, you will become.  No matter what walk of life, what race, what gender, what religion, what sexuality, what WHATEVER, you will love and accept and relate to those around you,  add I will be so PROUD of you.